Switching Broadband Providers FAQs

May 13, 2024

In today's digital age, broadband has become essential for remote work, streaming entertainment, and staying connected with loved ones. If you're considering switching broadband providers, you might feel overwhelmed by the process. However, with the right guidance, switching can be a straightforward and beneficial decision.

Why Switch Broadband Providers?

  1. Better Deals: New providers often offer competitive deals, including lower prices, faster speeds, or added benefits like free installation.
  2. Improved Service: If you're experiencing frequent outages or slow speeds, switching can provide a more reliable connection and better customer service.
  3. Changing Needs: Your internet usage patterns might have changed, requiring different speeds or services.
  4. End of Contract: When your contract ends, it's an opportunity to explore other options and potentially save money.

When Should You Switch Broadband Providers?

If you are thinking of switching broadband providers, the ideal time to switch would be when:

  • Your contract is ending, as it allows you to switch without early-termination fees. Usually, this fee is your monthly cost multiplied by the number of months left on your contract!
  • You're unhappy with your current provider's service or pricing.
  • You find a better deal with another provider.
  • You're moving to a new home and need to set up a new connection.

How to Switch Broadband Providers

  1. Research Providers: Use comparison websites or check providers' websites to find the best deals and packages in your area. Be sure to look past the household names, there are hundreds of providers out there!
  2. Check Availability: Ensure your desired provider is available at your address. Use online tools or contact them directly. This would be dependent on which networks are available at your address as internet providers utilise different broadband networks.
  3. Choose a Package: Select a package that suits your needs and budget. Consider factors like speed, data limits, and contract terms. A general rule of thumb would be that the higher the Mbps number, the better quality of connection!
  4. Sign Up: Once you've chosen a provider and package, sign up online or over the phone. Provide accurate information, including your address and contact details. Feel free to ask your new provider any questions you may have at this point!
  5. Cancellation: If you're still under contract with your existing provider, check for any cancellation fees. Notify your current provider of your intention to switch. Sometimes, your new provider will do this for you, so do ask to see if that is a service they offer!
  6. Installation: Schedule the installation of your new broadband service. Your new provider will help arrange this at a date that is convenient for you!
  7. Equipment: If needed, your new provider will provide equipment like a modem or router. Make sure you understand any associated costs.
  8. Enjoy Your New Service: Once installed, the installation engineer will help test your connection to ensure everything works. Once everything is working perfectly, your broadband is now yours to enjoy!


Will I lose service during the switch?

No, in most cases, there will be no loss of service. Your new provider will coordinate the switch to minimise downtime.

Can I keep my landline if I switch?

Yes, most providers offer landline services. You can usually keep your existing landline number. Do speak with your provider to make sure though!

Can I keep my email address?

If your email is tied to your current provider, you may lose it. You may have to use a universal email address! Be sure to have those conversations with your provider to understand what may happen.

Do I need to cancel my broadband?

If you're switching providers, your new provider will handle the cancellation for you. If cancelling altogether, contact your current provider after confirming the installation date of your new service.