
What is a wayleave?

A wayleave is a contract between the owner or occupier of a piece of land and a third party giving the third party a right of access to install and maintain utility network assets.

By agreeing to a wayleave, it enables us, as a network operator, to install our infrastructure on privately-owned land.

Tenants in rented

If you are a tenant living in rented accommodation, you'll need permission from your landlord or managing agent to access full fibre broadband. Once permission is gained, we can come and install a brand new broadband service for you!

Wayleaves for landlords
& managing agents

If you are a landlord, or a managing agent for rented properties, you will need to grant permission by signing a wayleave agreement with us in order for your tenants to receive full fibre broadband.

Landowners and private
road residents

As a landowner, or a resident on a private road, your co-operation is integral for a successful nationwide rollout. In order to bring full fibre broadband to yourself and your neighbours, we may need access to your land to carry out vital work.

Wayleaves for

Wanting to boost your team's productivity but rent out your offices? Accessing full fibre broadband can truly revolutionise your business' workflow. Help us obtain permission from your building owner to unlock full fibre for you.

Wayleave FAQ's

A wayleave is a written legal agreement between us and the land or property owner. It gives us permission to install, maintain or repair the network equipment that’s on private property.

There is no cost to residents, businesses, land or property owners to have full fibre installed; Netomnia will pay for any reasonable expenses that a landlord incurs in getting full fibre installed to buildings.

If residents or businesses choose to take up a service with our partner ISP, only then will they be charged their monthly subscription costs.

Usually, a wayleave is an ongoing agreement without an end date, so it will continue to apply to the apparatus it covers, even if the owner of the land or property changes.

Please speak to us regarding your concerns. We have a team that is dedicated to ensuring our work on private property is carried out to the reasonable satisfaction of the landowner and will always work to an agreeable solution where possible. We do have some legal powers under the Electronics Communication Code and the Telecommunications Infrastructure (Leasehold Property) Act 2021 which means we can gain consent via the court to install apparatus on your land. However, we don’t want to use these unless we absolutely have to, and we will make best endeavours to explore all alternative options available to us.

We start by sending the wayleave and the planning pack to the landlord for approval. Then if a pre-start site meeting is required, the Netomnia project manager and delivery manager will walk the site with the landlord and any relevant parties including residents' associations. This meeting aims to discuss any concerns with the current plan and make any necessary changes.

If the landlord is happy to move forward, we would then proceed with the network installation, after which we would offer a post-work meeting with the same parties.

Yes, we have built our network to be open to any ISP wishing to provide a service via our infrastructure.

Contact Us

If you want to get in touch with us with any enquiry, please email wayleaves@netomnia.com and our expert team will be on hand to help deal with your questions.