
Jul 23, 2024

Broadband for Families: How to Choose the Right...

Broadband is a crucial utility for families in the modern age.

It powers everything from education to entertainment, enabling us to connect, learn, and enjoy life more efficiently. We are going to talk about the importance of broadband for families, its various uses, and how to find the right package for your household.

Why Broadband is Important for Families

  1. Education: With the rise of online learning platforms and digital homework assignments, a reliable internet connection is essential for students of all ages. High-speed broadband ensures pristine access to virtual classrooms, educational resources, and collaborative tools.

  2. Work From Home: With work shifting to a digital workspace, many parents work remotely, requiring a stable and fast internet connection for video conferencing, file sharing, and other work-related tasks. A robust broadband connection supports productivity and flexibility.

  3. Entertainment: High-speed internet ensures high-quality streaming without buffering or lag. From streaming movies and TV shows to online gaming and music, broadband delivers endless entertainment options.

  4. Communication: Staying in touch with loved ones through video calls, social media, and instant messaging is easier with reliable broadband. It helps maintain connections with family and friends, no matter where they are.

  5. Smart Home Devices: Modern homes are increasingly equipped with smart devices like security cameras, thermostats, and voice assistants. By investing in full fibre broadband, you are giving your smart devices a connection that enables them to work flawlessly.

Choosing the Right Broadband Package

When selecting a broadband package for your family, consider the following:

  1. Speed: Ensure the package offers adequate speed for your household’s needs. Consider the number of users and devices. Do an internet speed test to see what you current speed is. This will let you know what speed your new package needs to beat!

  2. Reliability: Look for a provider with a reputation for reliable service and good customer support. Research Trustpilot scores, online reviews and be sure to choose a provider that values you as a customer.

  3. Cost: Compare packages to find one that fits your budget. Consider any additional costs like installation fees or equipment rental. Additionally, be sure to find out if there are any mid-contract price hikes; be sure to check you’re their online information!

  4. Social Tariff Packages: Check if you're eligible for social tariff broadband packages, which are designed to provide affordable internet access to low-income households. Research to see if your desired Internet Service Provider (ISP) has a dedicated affordable package.

Social Tariff Eligibility

Social tariffs are discounted broadband plans offered to families and individuals who may find standard packages financially burdensome. Eligibility criteria tend to vary by provider but often include the following:

  • Recipients of certain government benefits such as Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Income Support, or Jobseeker's Allowance.
  • Households with children receiving free school meals.
  • Individuals receiving disability benefits.

To check your eligibility for a social package:

  1. Visit Provider Websites: Many broadband providers have a section dedicated to social tariffs where you can check eligibility criteria and apply directly.

  2. Government Resources: Government websites often provide information on social tariffs and links to approved broadband providers.

  3. Contact Providers: Call customer service departments of broadband providers to inquire about social tariffs and eligibility requirements.


Q: What is full fibre broadband? A: Full fibre broadband, also known as Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), uses fibre optic cables to deliver internet directly to your home, offering faster and more reliable speeds compared to traditional copper cables.

Q: How do I know what speed I need? A: Consider the number of people in your household and their online activities. Activities like streaming, gaming, and video conferencing typically require higher speeds. Do a speed test to see how much speed is giving you your current performance! You may need more!

Q: What is a social tariff broadband package? A: Social tariff packages are affordable broadband plans designed for low-income households, offering essential internet access at reduced rates. Check with your provider for eligibility and availability.

Q: How can I check if I'm eligible for a social tariff? A: Eligibility typically includes receiving certain government benefits or meeting specific income criteria. Visit your broadband provider’s website, government resources, or contact providers directly to check eligibility.

Q: How can I improve my broadband speed? A: Ensure your router is placed centrally and away from obstructions. Reduce the number of connected devices and upgrade to a higher-speed package if necessary.

Q: Is full fibre broadband available in my area? A: Use our postcode checker above to see if full fibre broadband is available at your location. Availability is expanding rapidly, so check back frequently for updates.

Broadband is more than just an internet connection; it’s a vital tool that enhances our daily lives. By choosing the right package for your family’s needs, you can ensure everyone stays connected, productive, and entertained.

Jul 12, 2024

How Can I Change Broadband Provider? A Step-by-...

Switching your broadband provider can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you're looking for faster speeds, better customer service, or a more affordable plan, changing broadband providers can significantly enhance your internet experience.

Why Change Broadband Provider?

Before diving into the steps, let's briefly discuss why you might want to switch broadband providers:

  • Better Speeds: Faster internet speeds for streaming, gaming, or working from home.
  • Cost Savings: More affordable plans that offer better value for money.
  • Improved Service: Better customer service and support.
  • Additional Features: Extra benefits like free routers, no-contract options, or enhanced security features.

How to Change Broadband Provider: Step-by-Step

1. Evaluate Your Current Contract

Before making any moves, check your current broadband contract. Note the following:

  • Contract End Date: Early termination fees may apply if you’re still within the contract period.
  • Notice Period: Some providers require notice before you can switch.
  • Outstanding Charges: Ensure there are no pending payments or charges.

2. Research and Compare Providers

Next, explore other broadband providers and compare their plans. Consider these factors:

  • Speed: Assess the download and upload speeds offered.
  • Price: Look at the monthly cost and any installation fees.
  • Customer Reviews: Check reviews to gauge customer satisfaction.
  • Contracts: Understand the contract length and any cancellation policies.

Use comparison websites to get a comprehensive view of available deals in your area.

Additionally, be sure to do further research outside of comparison websites to see other options who don’t appear on the comparison websites.

3. Check Availability

Not all broadband providers operate in all areas. Use the provider’s website to check if their services are available at your address. Input your postcode for accurate information.

4. Decide on a New Provider

After thorough research, choose the provider that best meets your needs. Ensure they offer the speed, price, and service level you desire.

5. Arrange the Switch

Contact your new provider to arrange the switch. Here’s what typically happens:

  • Sign Up: Complete the signup process with your new provider.

  • Migration Date: Your new provider will set a migration date.

  • Cancellation: In many cases, your new provider will handle the cancellation of your old service.

6. Notify Your Current Provider

If your new provider does not handle the cancellation, notify your current provider about your decision to switch. Provide the necessary notice as per your contract.

7. Prepare for the Switch

Ensure a smooth transition by:

  • Backing Up Data: Backup important data that might be affected by the switch.
  • Equipment: Return any equipment (like routers) to your current provider if required.
  • Installation: Be present on the installation day if your new service requires new equipment setup.

8. Test Your New Connection

Once your new broadband is up and running, test the connection:

  • Speed Test: Use online tools to check the speed.
  • Functionality: Ensure all devices are properly connected and functioning.

Tips for a Smooth Transition

  • Overlap Services: If possible, overlap your services for a day or two to avoid downtime.
  • Keep Records: Maintain records of all communications and agreements.
  • Understand Terms: Read and understand the terms of your new contract thoroughly.

Change Broadband Provider

Changing your broadband provider doesn’t have to be a stressful experience.

By following these steps and doing thorough research, you can switch providers smoothly and enjoy better internet service.

Whether you’re looking for faster speeds, lower costs, or improved service, making the change can be a great decision for your home or business.

Remember, the key to a successful switch is preparation and communication. Happy surfing!

Jun 28, 2024

Can Full Fibre Broadband Work Without a Landlin...

In today’s digital age, fast and reliable internet is more crucial than ever. As the demand for high-speed connectivity grows, many are exploring full fibre broadband as a superior alternative to traditional broadband services.

But one question that often arises is: Can full fibre broadband work without a landline?

The short answer is yes. Full fibre broadband can operate without a landline.

Understanding Full Fibre Broadband

Full fibre broadband, also known as fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) or fibre-to-the-home (FTTH), delivers internet services directly to your home using fibre optic cables.

Unlike traditional broadband that uses a combination of fibre and copper (in the case of fibre-to-the-cabinet or FTTC), full fibre broadband offers a direct connection that provides significantly faster speeds and a more reliable service.

The Role of a Landline in Traditional Broadband

Historically, broadband services were delivered over the same copper lines used for landline telephones. This dual use of infrastructure meant that having a landline was a prerequisite for internet service.

This is particularly true for ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) connections, where the internet data is transmitted along the same wires as voice calls.

Why Full Fibre Broadband Doesn’t Need a Landline

Full fibre broadband, on the other hand, utilises fibre optic cables that are solely dedicated to delivering internet services.

These cables use light signals to transmit data, which is far more efficient and faster than the electrical signals used in copper lines. Here’s why a landline isn’t necessary with full fibre broadband:

  1. Dedicated Infrastructure: Fibre optic cables don’t carry voice signals. They are designed exclusively for data transmission, eliminating the need for a traditional phone line.

  2. Independent Installation: When you get full fibre broadband, the installation involves laying down new fibre optic cables directly to your property. This process is independent of the existing copper phone lines.

  3. VoIP Services: If you still need a phone service, many full fibre broadband providers offer Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) services. VoIP allows you to make phone calls using your internet connection, so there’s no need for a separate landline.

Benefits of Full Fibre Broadband Without a Landline

Opting for full fibre broadband without a landline comes with several advantages:

  • Cost Savings: You can save money by not paying for a landline service you don’t use. This can be particularly beneficial if you rely primarily on mobile phones for voice calls.

  • Simplified Billing: With one less service to manage, your billing becomes simpler and more straightforward.

  • Future-Proof Technology: Full fibre broadband is designed to support future technological advancements and increasing data demands. By choosing FTTP, you’re investing in a technology that will serve you well for years to come.

How to Get Full Fibre Broadband Without a Landline

  1. Check Availability: Full fibre broadband is being rolled out across the country, but it’s not yet available everywhere. Check with providers in your area to see if FTTP is an option for you.

  2. Compare Providers: Different providers offer various packages and speeds. Compare their offerings to find the best deal that suits your needs.

  3. Schedule Installation: Once you’ve chosen a provider, schedule an installation. This typically involves an engineer visiting your property to lay down the fibre optic cables and set up the necessary equipment.


In conclusion, full fibre broadband offers a fast, reliable internet connection that operates independently of traditional landline telephone services.

By switching to FTTP, you can enjoy the benefits of cutting-edge technology, potentially lower costs, and the convenience of not needing a landline.

Jun 14, 2024

Full Fibre Installation for Rental Properties...

As a tenant in rented accommodation, the prospect of upgrading to full fibre broadband can be both exciting and daunting.

Unlike homeowners, tenants must navigate additional layers of permission and coordination, but with the right approach, the process can be smooth and straightforward.

Here’s a detailed look at what to expect and how to prepare for the installation of full fibre in your rental property.

Understanding Full Fibre Broadband

Full fibre broadband, or Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), delivers internet directly to your home using exclusively fibre optic cables, offering lightning-fast speeds and more reliable connectivity compared to traditional copper lines.

This upgrade is increasingly essential for modern digital living, especially for those working from home or who enjoy high-definition streaming and online gaming.

Key Differences for Tenants

Landlord Permission:

Unlike homeowners who can make decisions about their property independently, tenants must obtain written permission from their landlord or property management company before any installation work can begin.

This step involves explaining the benefits of full fibre, addressing any concerns about potential property modifications, and sometimes negotiating terms to ensure everyone is on the same page.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our wayleave team at

Coordination with Service Providers

Homeowners can directly handle all scheduling and preparation for the installation.

In contrast, tenants must coordinate between the service provider, the landlord, and possibly the building management, especially if they live in multi-dwelling units (MDUs) (a block of flats/apartments).

This added layer of coordination ensures that everyone involved is informed and consents to the installation process.

Steps to Full Fibre Installation for Tenants

Research Providers:

The first step is to research which providers offer full fibre broadband in your area. Availability varies, so it's essential to check which companies service your location. Be sure to search deeper than just the well-known comparison websites, there can be better deals available!

Compare the packages they offer to find the best fit for your needs, considering factors like speed, cost, and customer service.

Request Permission from Your Landlord:

Next, draft a formal request to your landlord. This request should outline the benefits of upgrading to full fibre broadband, such as improved internet speed and reliability.

Assure your landlord that professional installers will handle the process with minimal disruption and highlight that this upgrade can increase the property's value and attractiveness to future tenants.

Provide the contact information of the service provider to address any potential concerns directly.

Coordinate with the Service Provider:

Once you have obtained permission from your landlord, schedule a survey with the service provider.

A surveyor will visit your property to assess the best route for the fibre cable.

This assessment may involve identifying where a small hole needs to be drilled for the cable to enter the property, ensuring the installation process will be smooth and efficient.

Prepare for Installation Day:

On the day of installation, ensure you are available to oversee the process. The engineer will install the Optical Network Terminal (ONT), typically near your existing router.

They will run the fibre cable from the street to your home, which may involve routing through shared spaces if you live in an MDU.

Once the installation is complete, the engineer will test the connection to ensure everything is working correctly.

Post-Installation Considerations:

After the installation, make sure that all work is tidy and any property modifications are minimal and reversible if necessary.

Discuss with your landlord any steps needed to restore changes if you move out. Now, with your new ultrafast broadband, enjoy the benefits of improved internet speed and reliability.

Tips for a Smooth Installation

Communicate Clearly:

Maintaining open lines of communication with your landlord and the installation team is crucial. Ensure everyone is informed about the installation schedule and any potential disruptions.

Be Present:

Being at home during the installation allows you to address any immediate issues or questions from the technician. Your presence ensures that the installation proceeds according to plan.

Check Lease Terms:

Review your lease for any clauses related to property modifications or the installation of new services. This review can help avoid any breaches of your rental agreement.

Document Everything:

Keep a record of all permissions, installation details, and communications with your landlord and service provider. This documentation can be invaluable if any issues arise in the future.


Upgrading to full fibre broadband as a tenant involves a few extra steps, but the benefits far outweigh the effort.

By securing landlord permission, coordinating effectively, and preparing for installation day, you can enjoy the fastest internet speeds available.

With this guide, you’re now equipped to navigate the process with confidence and bring the future of broadband to your rental home. Happy surfing!

May 13, 2024

Switching Broadband Providers FAQs...

In today's digital age, broadband has become essential for remote work, streaming entertainment, and staying connected with loved ones. If you're considering switching broadband providers, you might feel overwhelmed by the process. However, with the right guidance, switching can be a straightforward and beneficial decision.

Why Switch Broadband Providers?

  1. Better Deals: New providers often offer competitive deals, including lower prices, faster speeds, or added benefits like free installation.
  2. Improved Service: If you're experiencing frequent outages or slow speeds, switching can provide a more reliable connection and better customer service.
  3. Changing Needs: Your internet usage patterns might have changed, requiring different speeds or services.
  4. End of Contract: When your contract ends, it's an opportunity to explore other options and potentially save money.

When Should You Switch Broadband Providers?

If you are thinking of switching broadband providers, the ideal time to switch would be when:

  • Your contract is ending, as it allows you to switch without early-termination fees. Usually, this fee is your monthly cost multiplied by the number of months left on your contract!
  • You're unhappy with your current provider's service or pricing.
  • You find a better deal with another provider.
  • You're moving to a new home and need to set up a new connection.

How to Switch Broadband Providers

  1. Research Providers: Use comparison websites or check providers' websites to find the best deals and packages in your area. Be sure to look past the household names, there are hundreds of providers out there!
  2. Check Availability: Ensure your desired provider is available at your address. Use online tools or contact them directly. This would be dependent on which networks are available at your address as internet providers utilise different broadband networks.
  3. Choose a Package: Select a package that suits your needs and budget. Consider factors like speed, data limits, and contract terms. A general rule of thumb would be that the higher the Mbps number, the better quality of connection!
  4. Sign Up: Once you've chosen a provider and package, sign up online or over the phone. Provide accurate information, including your address and contact details. Feel free to ask your new provider any questions you may have at this point!
  5. Cancellation: If you're still under contract with your existing provider, check for any cancellation fees. Notify your current provider of your intention to switch. Sometimes, your new provider will do this for you, so do ask to see if that is a service they offer!
  6. Installation: Schedule the installation of your new broadband service. Your new provider will help arrange this at a date that is convenient for you!
  7. Equipment: If needed, your new provider will provide equipment like a modem or router. Make sure you understand any associated costs.
  8. Enjoy Your New Service: Once installed, the installation engineer will help test your connection to ensure everything works. Once everything is working perfectly, your broadband is now yours to enjoy!


Will I lose service during the switch?

No, in most cases, there will be no loss of service. Your new provider will coordinate the switch to minimise downtime.

Can I keep my landline if I switch?

Yes, most providers offer landline services. You can usually keep your existing landline number. Do speak with your provider to make sure though!

Can I keep my email address?

If your email is tied to your current provider, you may lose it. You may have to use a universal email address! Be sure to have those conversations with your provider to understand what may happen.

Do I need to cancel my broadband?

If you're switching providers, your new provider will handle the cancellation for you. If cancelling altogether, contact your current provider after confirming the installation date of your new service.

Dec 12, 2023

Fibre Broadband Installation FAQ’s ...

Looking to understand some of the most common questions around fibre broadband installations?

As fibre broadband network builders, we understand what makes an excellent installation experience.

How long does a fibre broadband installation typically take?

Typically, installations can take around 2 hours, but in some cases they can be longer. This can depend on factors such as the complexity of the fibre installation and the amount of work required.

Do I need to be home during the installation?

Yes, it's essential to have someone over the age of 18 present during the installation. The technician will need access to your property and will need to ask you some questions about where you would like to have your termination point installed.

Will the installation disrupt my current internet service?

Generally, the transition to fibre broadband should be seamless, and there's no disruption to your existing service. The installation process ensures that you can switch to fibre without downtime.

Do I need to change my Wi-Fi router for fibre broadband?

In some cases, you may need a new router that's compatible with a full fibre service. Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide one if necessary. If your existing router is not compatible, they will guide you through the process of upgrading.

Can I keep my existing phone number when switching to fibre broadband?

You may be able to keep your existing phone number, but it does depend on the ISP you are switching to, so it’s worth checking with them first.

Do I need to pay for the installation, and are there any hidden costs?

Some ISP's offer free installation, while others may charge a fee. It’s crucial to clarify any potential costs with your chosen provider before scheduling the installation to avoid surprises.

What happens if I have an issue with the installation or service?

Most ISP's have customer support lines that you can call if you encounter any issues or have questions during or after installation. They will assist you in resolving any problems that may arise.

Can I install fibre broadband myself, or do I need a professional technician?

Installing fibre broadband typically requires a trained technician. It’s not a straightforward DIY project because as it involves specialised equipment and expertise. The technician can complete the comprehensive setup and connections required for a reliable service.

Will the technician need access to every room in my home during installation?

Technicians usually need access to the rooms where the ONT (Optical Network Terminal) and router/mesh nodes will be located. To ensure full Wi-Fi coverage of your home, testing will need to be carried out and therefore access to all rooms would be required.

Do I need to prepare anything before the installation?

Clearing a path for the technician, moving furniture, or providing easy access to the installation point can help speed up the process. Ensure that the designated installation area is clear of any obstacles. This area can be decided on the day with your engineer.

What should I do if I want to cancel or reschedule my installation appointment?

If you need to reschedule or cancel your installation appointment, contact your ISP well in advance to make alternative arrangements. They will guide you through the process. Every ISP is different so be sure to let them know as soon as possible if you need to change or cancel your appointment.

Is fibre broadband available in my area?

Availability can vary by location, so it's essential to verify before scheduling an installation. You can check your availability on our network here.

What is the difference between fibre to the premises (FTTP) and fibre to the cabinet (FTTC)?

FTTP means the fibre optic cable runs directly to your home, offering faster and more consistent broadband speeds. FTTC, on the other hand, means the fibre goes to a cabinet in your neighbourhood, with the final stretch using traditional copper wires which provides a more unreliable and slower connection.

Can I choose where the fibre equipment is installed in my home?

In most cases, you can discuss the installation location with the technician. They will try to accommodate your preferences while ensuring optimal signal quality and easy accessibility.

Will the technician explain how to use the new equipment and connect my devices?

Yes, the technician will typically provide a brief demonstration of how to connect your devices and use the new equipment, such as the router. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the technician during your installation.

What happens if I'm not satisfied with the installation or the quality of service?

If you are not satisfied with the installation or the quality of your service, contact your ISP's customer support immediately. They should address any concerns and, if necessary, schedule a follow-up visit to resolve any issues.

Is fibre broadband installation affected by the weather or environmental factors?

The installation process itself is typically not affected by the weather. It’s also worth noting that fibre optic technology is less susceptible to weather-related interference, such as signal degradation during rain or snow, which can impact traditional copper-based services.

Do I need to switch off or disconnect my existing internet service before the installation?

It's generally not necessary to switch off or disconnect your existing service before the fibre broadband installation. The technician will handle the necessary transitions to ensure a seamless switch to fibre.

Can I keep my current email address when switching to a new ISP for fibre broadband?

Whether you can keep your email address when switching ISP's depends on your current provider's policies. Contact your current ISP to inquire about email address retention or transfer options.

Nov 15, 2023

What is Fibre Network Planning? ...

Fibre network planning is the systematic and strategic process of designing a fibre optic network that brings high-speed broadband access directly to homes and businesses; also known as Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) broadband.

The network comprises a vast system of fibre optic cables that transmit data using light signals. The goal is to create a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective infrastructure that enables fast and consistent internet access.

What is involved in network planning?

Fibre network planning is a complex process involving several key components:

Feasibility study

Firstly, planners assess the feasibility of deploying a fibre network in a potential build town. This includes understanding the demand, existing infrastructure, regulatory requirements, and potential obstacles.

Route planning

Once the feasibility is established, the planning team determines the routes the fibre optic cables will follow. This involves optimising the network layout for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and scalability.


Surveying plays a crucial role in the planning stage. It consists of physically examining the landscape and environment to determine the best locations for laying fibre optic cables and installing network equipment.

Surveyors assess the terrain, existing infrastructure, and potential obstacles like roads, rivers, or buildings to ensure a smooth rollout.

Permitting and regulatory compliance

Our network planners obtain PIA Accreditations and ensure that health and safety regulations are followed as per the Construction Design and Management 2015(LINK) regulations.

Design and engineering

Detailed engineering and design work follows, specifying the exact locations for fibre optic cables, equipment, and network architecture. This ensures that the network meets the required technical standards to serve residents across the UK.

Importance of network planning:

Fibre network planning is a crucial part of the entire rollout process for several reasons:

Efficient resource allocation

Effective planning helps optimise the use of resources, ensuring that the network is built in the most cost-effective manner possible.


A well-planned network is designed to accommodate future growth in demand for broadband services. It can be expanded without major disruptions.


Proper planning helps create a robust and reliable network that minimises downtime and service interruptions.

Cost control

Accurate cost estimation and efficient planning can save money by avoiding unexpected expenses and project delays.

Regulatory compliance

Meeting regulatory requirements is crucial to avoid legal issues and delays that can hinder network deployment.

Customer satisfaction

Ultimately, well-planned networks provide high-quality broadband access, which enhances the quality of life for residents and supports local economic development.

Planning strong fibre network foundations

In conclusion, fibre network planning is a critical process that involves thorough research, careful design, and efficient execution to create a high-speed broadband infrastructure.

It ensures that the network is built in a cost-effective, reliable, and scalable manner while complying with all necessary regulations and meets the growing demands for broadband connectivity in the digital age.

The success of our FTTP network depends significantly on the meticulous planning that goes into development.

Nov 3, 2023

How to Choose a New ISP: What To Look For...

Fed up with your internet constantly letting you down?

When it comes to choosing the ideal Internet Service Provider (ISP), there's a world of options beyond the mainstream providers.

You don't have to settle for overpriced plans, unreliable connections, and subpar customer service.

Exploring alternative ISPs can lead you to hidden gems that offer better value and service tailored to your needs.

Let's dive into the steps that will help you choose a new ISP.

Impeccable reliability

Pick an ISP that won't leave you staring at the buffering wheel. Don't assume mainstream providers are the only reliable options; many alternative ISPs pride themselves on dependable service.

Read reviews and look into the technology the ISP uses. If the provider claims to use fibre, make sure that it is FTTP broadband which means it is a full fibre connection!

Find your ideal speed

Choose an internet service package to meet your needs, preventing frustration from sluggish connections or overpaying for speed you may not use. Alternative ISPs often offer a variety of speed options.

Most full fibre ISPs will start their speed offerings at 150Mbps! Be sure to do a speed test now to understand what you currently receive.

Budget-friendly pricing

Escape the high costs associated with mainstream ISPs. Alternative providers frequently offer comparable service at a fraction of the price.

Keep an eye out for installation fees, equipment costs, and promotions that can affect your monthly bill.

After you start your research, you’ll very quickly find internet service providers that offer far better value than some more well-known providers.

Customer service matters

Enjoy personalised and attentive customer service from alternative ISPs.

Avoid being a mere number in a giant corporation's customer database. Responsive support can make all the difference when issues arise.

Look into reviews to see if you can find anything about customer service from existing customers. They’re the true indicator of helpful support!

Eliminate data caps

Free yourself from data caps that restrict your internet use. Alternative ISPs often offer unlimited data usage plans that are ideal for avid streamers, remote workers, and gamers.

Read the fine print or ask the question and be sure to understand if there is a data cap on any package you are thinking of choosing.

Embrace local and regional ISPs

Support local businesses by choosing a local or regional ISP. They're often deeply rooted in their communities and provide specialised services that can be more personalised.

Be sure to research who is available in your area and look past the comparison websites.

Innovation and unique features

Alternative ISPs are often quicker to adopt new technologies and offer innovative features. Keep an eye out for cutting-edge equipment and value-added services that enhance your broadband experience.

The latest in technology is full fibre. A lot of ‘alt-nets’ (alternative broadband network builders to Openreach) are building full fibre networks which means that you can receive faster broadband than what you are currently on.

Bundle for savings

Save money by bundling services, such as TV, phone, and internet, with alternative ISPs. Customise your package to your specific needs and budget.

Thorough research

Investigate your options thoroughly. Read reviews, seek recommendations from friends and family, and check third-party ratings. You may discover alternative ISPs with exceptional service and customer satisfaction.

Risk-free trial periods

Many alternative ISPs are so confident in their services that they offer risk-free trial periods or money-back guarantees. If you're unsatisfied, you can easily switch back or try another alternative provider.

Do ensure that if you go down this route that you are mindful of your cancellation date for your existing provider and new install dates so that you aren’t without internet or paying two providers for a lengthy overlap period.

The choice is yours

Embrace the power of choice and find an ISP that aligns with your lifestyle and budget. Your online experience will thank you for it!

Oct 26, 2023

Full Fibre Installation Process: The Ultimate G...

If you've recently signed up for a full fibre broadband connection, or are considering it, you might be wondering what to expect during the installation process.

In this comprehensive fibre broadband installation guide, we'll take you through the entire journey of getting your home connected to the lightning-fast world of full fibre (LINK).

What is Full Fibre Broadband?

Full fibre broadband, also known as Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), is the latest and fastest technology for delivering broadband to your home.

Unlike FTTC, also known as traditional broadband, which often relies on older copper cables, full fibre uses ultra-thin strands of glass or plastic (fibres) to transmit data at the speed of light.

This results in an ultrafast and reliable connection which is perfect for streaming, gaming, remote work, and much more.

Step 1: Booking Your Installation

The first step is to book your installation with your chosen internet service provider (ISP).

They will arrange a convenient date and time for the installation team to visit your home.

You'll typically receive an email or text message with all the details just to confirm this.

Step 2: Site Survey

On the day of your installation, a technician will perform a site survey.

They will assess the best route to run the fibre optic cable from the nearest distribution point on the new fibre network which can connect to your home.

Depending on the network infrastructure, your line will either come underground or overhead via a telegraph pole.

Step 3: External Cabling

During the external cabling phase, the technician will carefully drill a very small and precise hole in your external wall.

This hole is a key part of the installation process as it allows the ultra-thin fibre optic cable to be fed from the outside of your home to the inside, ensuring a secure connection.

Rest assured that this hole is exceptionally small, designed to be discreet and unobtrusive.

This will then be covered with a small plastic cabinet that will house any excess fibre optic cable keeping it all neat and tidy.

Step 4: Internal Installation

After the external cabling is in place, the technician will install the necessary equipment inside your home.

This includes the ONT (Optical Network Terminal), which is a small device that converts the optical signal received from the fibre into a digital signal that can be used by your devices.

This will then also connect to your router which will then be able to give you your internet access.

Step 5: Testing and Configuration

With everything in place, the technician will thoroughly test the connection to ensure it's working correctly.

They will also configure your router, set up your Wi-Fi network, and provide you with any necessary login information.

Step 6: Enjoying Full Fibre Broadband

Once the installation is complete, you're ready to enjoy the benefits of full fibre broadband(LINK)!

You can connect all your devices, stream movies in 4K, have lag-free online gaming sessions, and work from home with lightning-fast broadband speeds.

Full Fibre Installation Process

Getting a full fibre broadband installation is a smooth and efficient process designed to bring a high-speed connection to your doorstep.

From the initial booking to the final configuration, trained technicians ensure you have a reliable connection that will enhance your online experience.

If you're considering upgrading to full fibre in your area, be sure to see if you are within our build rollout by checking your availability today!

Don't hesitate to reach out to your chosen ISP for more information and to book your installation. We look forward to welcoming you to the world of full fibre broadband!

Please note that not all fibre installations go like this and every network operator differs in their method. This is how we here at Netomnia bring ultrafast broadband to your home.

Remember to check with your local ISP for specific details about the installation process in your area.

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