What is FTTP Broadband?

May 16, 2023

What is FTTP

FTTP, also known as pure fibre or full-fibre broadband, delivers internet connectivity directly to your premises using fibre optic cables.

Unlike FTTC or Fibre to the Cabinet, where the fibre optic cables terminate at a street cabinet and the final connection to the premises is made through copper cables, FTTP eliminates the need for copper entirely.

In an FTTP network, fibre optic cables are laid all the way from the exchange or central point to individual premises.

These cables use pulses of light to transmit data, enabling significantly faster speeds and more reliable connections compared to traditional copper-based connections.

Speed and Reliability

One of the key benefits of FTTP broadband is its ability to provide ultrafast internet speeds.

With speeds reaching up to 1 Gbps (Gigabits per second), FTTP offers extremely fast downloads, uploads, and seamless streaming experiences.

This is particularly beneficial for activities such as online gaming, video conferencing, and downloading large files, which demand high bandwidth and low latency.

Moreover, FTTP's reliance on fibre optic cables ensures exceptional reliability.

Fibre optics are resistant to electrical interference and can transmit data over long distances without degradation.

This means that FTTP broadband experiences fewer disruptions and provides consistent performance, even during peak usage times.

Benefits for Homeowners and Businesses


For homeowners, FTTP broadband opens up a world of possibilities. Here are some key benefits:

Unparalleled Speed

Enjoy lightning-fast internet speeds for seamless streaming, gaming, and downloading.

Future-Proof Connectivity

FTTP provides a solid foundation for emerging technologies such as smart homes, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and virtual reality (VR) applications.

Improved Property Value

Properties with FTTP infrastructure tend to be more attractive to potential buyers, increasing their market value.


FTTP broadband offers several benefits for businesses as well:

Enhanced Productivity

High-speed, reliable internet connectivity enables efficient cloud-based operations, video conferencing, and rapid data transfer, boosting overall productivity.

Seamless Collaboration

Teams can collaborate seamlessly with real-time file sharing and access to cloud-based applications, facilitating remote work and improving communication.

Competitive Advantage

Businesses with FTTP can deliver superior online services, engage in e-commerce, and leverage advanced technologies to gain a competitive edge in the market.


While both FTTP and FTTC employ fibre optic cables, they differ in terms of the final connection point.

FTTC uses a mix of fibre and copper cables.

The fibre optic cables terminate at a street cabinet. Copper cables then complete the connection to individual premises.

This hybrid approach reduces the overall speed and performance compared to FTTP, as copper is more susceptible to interference and signal degradation.

On the other hand, FTTP's direct fibre connection from the exchange to premises ensures maximum speed and reliability, offering an unrivalled broadband experience.

Understanding Fibre Broadband Speeds

Fibre broadband is renowned for its ability to deliver incredibly fast internet speeds.

The speed of your broadband connection plays a crucial role in determining the quality of your online activities.

Here's a breakdown of different speed ranges and their suitability for various activities:

Basic Internet Usage

Speed Range: 10-30 Mbps (Megabits per second)

This speed is great for browsing websites, checking emails, and light social media usage. This speed range is ideal for households with minimal internet requirements.


Speed Range: 30-100 Mbps

Perfect for streaming high-definition (HD) video content on platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon Prime Video. It ensures smooth playback without buffering or interruptions.

Online Gaming

Speed Range: 10-100 Mbps (depending on the game and platform requirements)

If you're into online gaming experiences, including multiplayer games, where low latency is crucial then higher speeds are essential for you.

Video Conferencing

Speed Range: 5-50 Mbps

Participating in video conferences, virtual meetings, and video calls on platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Skype? Higher internet speeds ensure clear video and audio quality without lag or freezes.

File Transfers and Downloads:

Speed Range: 50-1,000 Mbps

Suitable for: Uploading and downloading large files, software updates, and file sharing. Faster speeds significantly reduce transfer times, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Multiple Device Usage

Speed Range: 100-1,000 Mbps

Homes or offices with multiple devices simultaneously connected to the internet need higher internet speeds.

This speed range accommodates multiple users streaming, gaming, video conferencing, and browsing without experiencing significant slowdowns.

It is important to note that for all of these to happen synchronously that you will need to add the bandwidths together.

Speeds mentioned are also typically for one device. So if you have multiple devices in the home, you'll need even more bandwidth!

Full-fibre Broadband

FTTP broadband represents the pinnacle of connectivity, providing homes and businesses with superfast speeds, unparalleled reliability, and the ability to embrace cutting-edge technologies.

With its direct fibre connection, FTTP unlocks a world of possibilities, empowering users to fully leverage the digital landscape.